Deals Of The Day

Echipament de curatare si dezinfectare pantofi

Aspirator cu injectie-extractie Sabrina
Service HoReCa
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Bara Lipire
An energy-saving, lightweight and quick impulse sealer designed for polyethylene packaging.
Available in 3 different lengths depending on the size of the items.
It is suitable for bagging objects of various sizes and kinds: textile or paper items, items for children,
kitchenware, work instruments, etc.
This manual table-top heat sealer works easily and quickly, providing a hygienic and accurate pack.
Masina de ambalat evomatic self
It is an automatic vacuum packing machine
especially designed for self-service laundries.
Thanks to its electric actuators, it does not require
other energy sources such as compressed air,
making installation simple. Operation is easy by
scrolling instructions on the display. Depending on
your choices, you can also connect it to the central
cash register or to an integrated coin box.
Masina de ambalat Evomatic
USE Vacuum Packing
The top of the range of our vacuum packing machines,
“Evomatic” model is a fully automatic machine designed
for high productivity facilities.
Thanks to the use of electric actuators, it does not
require other energy sources, such as compressed air,
making installation simple and practical. The start
controls on both sides, the possibility of continuous
sealing, the 5 program memory system and the optional
“grip unit” (handle hole punch) ensure an easy and
multifunctional use.
Masina vidat easy
Manual/Automatic mode switch
Adjustable suction time for delicate clothing
Statie de calcat – Mya super
INOX (stainless steel) body
INOX 18/10 Bolier.
Uscator rufe Cod: E35 – ELETTRICO
Uscator rufe
Productie: Italia
Capacitate: 35…37 kg
Uscator rufe Cod: E26 – ELETTRICO
Uscator rufe
Productie: Italia
Capacitate: 26…28 kg